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Impact Fund Annual Report
Investment Profiles
Portfolio Overview

Head of Impact Investments

We’ve partnered with Novata, an ESG and impact metrics collection and tracking tool designed for private markets.

facilitated across 309K
$10.4B donations
with better access to
healthcare solutions
12M patients
of food saved from a
lesser outcome
29M pounds
with better access to education
39M students
acquired for conservation or
water recharge
238K acres
20M volunteer hours
of renewable energy supplied
171M MWh
of avoided water waste
1.3B gallons
of waste reduced
2.1M metric tons
of CO2 reduced or avoided
191M metric tons
The impact metrics above are only a representative sample of the impact metrics collected over the past year across the portfolio.
Represents the latest 12 months of information available as of December 31, 2023, unless otherwise noted. Metrics calculated and provided directly by the general partners or underlying companies.